There's No Substitute for Span but More Span



Just a couple of pictures from my toy...




On my way... Circling

Back home, ready for the night!


Some High resolution pictures:


Over the Guillaume in the French Alps Loudun 2005 Another one taken at Loudun Little mistake... Towing back from Thouars. Reflected in the towing plane


And some others after a new coating, which was highly necessary after 30 years!


Coating overhaul by LAK First start after overhaul... Let's hope it still works... (Pic courtesy of Dennie Vercruysse) Landing on Axel after a few hours of local flying (Pic courtesy of Dennie Vercruysse) Finish after the "Wout Bakker trofee" 2007 on Axel (Pic courtesy of Dennie Vercruysse) Same finish, different camera, a little later then the previous picture (Pic courtesy of Alex Lindenbergh) Sure works better then the spoilers... Almost like a Ka-7 with that chute... Short landing ;-)


Oh yeah... for those of you who care: It's a Nimbus 2B, number 134 to be exact, known since May 2003 as PH-1291...